need help, lots of help

help me

words running around
making me crazy
dizy and scared

can somebody help
put them away
out of my head

making me ill
getting me down
I really need help

nobody is coming
why don't you help
let somebody try

I'm afraid
afraid of the end
words are making me

please help me
I need it right now

please realise

nobody realise
how hard it is
nobody knows
it's getting me down

all those faces
laughes and smiles
al against me
calling me names

I look happy
trying to be
I keep smiling
trying to ignore

but I do hear
all those words
calling me stupid
trying to make me cry

my friends don't see
all the pain I feel
they think I don't care
being happy

please see it
I feel so down
nobody understand
nobody sees

01 jun 2004 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Profielfoto van him_lover
him_lover, vrouw, 38 jaar
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