nieuw verhaal: Lestat, Louis, Armand

ze staan dus ok p quizilla. tis in t engels.. probeerde t in t nederlans maar kwam er niet uit dan.

At last, after a year of planning you leave home to go to France. Your best friend, named Stella, got an apartment there. She got it from her parents for her last birthday. At that time the two of you had decided that you would come and live with here for a year after you’re done with school. And now you’re sitting in a train, heading for Paris. You look outside, daydreaming about the adventures you could have in a city like Paris. *to bad it will only stick to daydreaming* you think. You never where an adventurer, though many people thought you where, especially now you where heading for France.

After 4 hours you arrive at the station. Together with 2 extremely large suitcases you jump out of the train. Then you hear someone calling your name. You look around and see Stella running towards you. “I’m so glad you’re here! I’ve missed you!” she says. “I’ve missed you too!” She takes one suitcase and the two of you walk towards the road, to find a cab.
“There is so much I want to show you! The Louvre, some great clubs, allot of great stores. And a cool theatre. The people there pretend to be vampires and it’s so cool, and they’re so hot!” You listen as she rambles on abut the great things that you have to see, and about that theatre, apparently she really liked it cause she keeps talking about it. And the more she talks about the theatre, the more you want to go and see for your self.
“I’ll get tickets for tonight’s show! We’ll have to hurry. Its 3p.m now and it starts at 7. I want to look good.” You start t laugh. Typical Stella, always taking allot of time to get ready for stuff like this. The 2 of you jump in a cab and Stella tells him where to go. * GOD! I should have learned some French!* you think. You don’t know much French. A few simple words and some simple sentences is all you had remembered after a year French class.

Within a few minutes you arrive at a large house, almost like a hotel. “The top flour is ours.” Stella says. You nod and follow her to the elevator. Within a few seconds you’re on the top floor. Stella opens the door. “Look around, do what you want, I’m going to make sure we’ve got tickets for tonight.” She says leaving you in the middle of a giant room with your suitcases. You look around. You can see that her parents paid allot for this place. (Imagine the way it looks). “I’ve got 2tickets for tonight!” Stella walks back into the room. “jeeh”you say. “Ok this is the plan. Its half past 4 now. The show starts at 7. I’ll show you your room, order dinner, then we have to get ready, and we’ll leave at 6. I want t be there early.” She pauses for a second. “Ohw, and if I start talking to someone, you should go back home already, because then I wont be home tonight” she giggles. You smile at her. She hasn’t changed a bit.
You follow her to a door “this is your room, hope you’ll like it” you enter the room; it’s completely your taste (whatever that is). “Ok, see you soon, I’m going to call for room service and get changed, this here is your bathroom, over there is mine. Make sure you’re ready at 6 ok??” You nod.

“______(your name) Are you ready? Its time to go!” You walk out of your room and look at Stella. She looks trashy. While you are wearing a long black low cut dress she’s wearing a really short skirt and a really ugly tank top. “We have no time for dinner anymore. We need to go now!” Without saying anything you grab your cigarettes and lighter and follow Stella. *She hasn’t changed a bit. Still want to be in total control and still too guy crazy*
In the elevator, in the cab and even at the theatre Stella kept putting on more make-up and flirting with every guy she saw. You7 shook your head as you looked at her. The lights in the theatre got turned down; this meant everyone had to take their seats. Stella and you walk up the stairs and enter the second lodge. A few minutes after everyone set down the curtains opened. At the centre of the stage stood a man, dressed as death. “He’s cute without make-up!” Stella whispers. You don’t know why but he scares you. You can feel shivers running down your spine. Others appear on stage, they all give you shivers. You look over at Stella, who’s starring at death. Then you feel like your being watched. You look over at the Lodge next to yours and see to guys looking at you. One of them has shoulder length curly blond hair. His eyes pierce trough yours with an evil glaze. You shake your head and look at the guy beside him. His hair is also blonde, a little longer thought. His eyes are friendly but his deep glare makes you feel uncomfortable. You try to concentrate on the stage while you feel their eyes burn in your neck. A man appears on stage, his long almost black hair reach beneath his shoulders. He gazes at the crowd. You look at him, holding your breath. His eyes go up and meet yours. Suddenly you feel warm, glowing even. Though his eyes only met yours for a second, you can still feel them burn in your head. You’re confused, not knowing what is happening. You tap Stella on her shoulder, but she doesn’t respond. You decide to go outside for a second. Just to cool down a bit. As you stand up the curtain closes, the show is over.
People stand up and applause. “Wasn’t it great?” Stella asks. You nod. You don’t want to tell her what you feel and felt during the show. She might think that you’re crazy or even worse, like her. I’m going to talk to them, I saw Santiago starring at me, and so I don’t think I will be home tonight. Here’s the address. See ya!” Quickly Stella makes her way downstairs to the stairs. Where death or Santiago as his name seemed to be was waiting for her. You looked at the box where the 2 guys where in, but it was empty. You feel sad and relieved at the same time. It was scary to see those eyes, but now it’s all you think about, and you want to know if you’ve imagined everything. You walk out the Lodge and take the nearest stairs. Down stairs you wave goodbye at Stella and walk on till your outside. The fresh night’s air makes you calm. You decide not to go home straight away, but to take a walk. You light up a cigarette and start walking. “Smoking can kill you, sooner then you know.” Said a voice with a Spanish accent. It came out of a small dark street next to the theatre. The voice scarred you and made you jump. “Sorry if I scarred you, that was not my intention.” A man walks out of the dark alley. You recognize him as the men with the long dark hair from the stage. “I wasn’t scarred” you said.

He grins “of course you wasn’t, bellezza, I’m sorry.” He looks deep into you eyes. You can feel his eyes looking directly in your soul. The feeling makes you nervous. “You are new in Paris, aren’t you? I would have reminded a beauty like yourself.” His soft vice and the words he speaks almost makes you tremble. “I ehmz, I got to go now. Bye.” You tell him. You turn around to continue walking. “Ah my bonito, I understand. Please accept my apologies.” Without saying a word you start walking while you keep your eyes on the road, hoping to find a cab. “I know we will see each other soon” you hear his voice speaking softly in you ear. It sounds like he is right behind you. But when you turn around, the man is nowhere to be seen.
A cold wind brushes over your face, a chill ran down your spine. You walk on. You feel like you’re being watched but immediately shake that thought, thinking that it is caused by that encounter with that man. At last you find a cab. You signal him to stop and show him the paper with the address. The cab driver says something in French’s you enter the cab. Within a few minutes you’re back at the apartment. You step out of the cab and enter the building. *Ohw god! I haven’t got a key!* you think. “Is something wrong belle?” A voice behind you speaks. You turn around, only to see the two guys from the theatre. “I, I can’t get in the apartment.” you softly reply. “You can come with us, we would be happy with your company.” One of the guys says. “Lestat..” speaks the other one softly and threatening towards the other. “Let me introduce ourselves. My name is Lestat, and this is Louis. Louis is a little shy.” Lestat begins to laugh, showing his long fangs. You take a step back. “No thanks, I’m going back to my friend, she might miss me..” You know she wouldn’t miss you, but you didn’t trust these guys. Especially that Lestat. He had an evil look on his face. “Well, my love. Don’t let us stop you. Go to your friend at the theatre. I know we will see each other son enough.” The way he said these words made chills go down your spine. Without saying anything you run outside, hoping to catch the cab you had just taken. Outside you see the cab and enter it immediately. With allot of hand gestures you could make him clear that you wanted to go back to the theatre. You look back at the apartment building. Lestat and Louis are standing outside. Lestat smiles at you and waves. While Louis just looks at you, his eyes filled with sadness. Back at the theatre you tip the cabdriver and enter the theatre trough the main doors. You walk trough some doors and some more doors. But you can’t find Stella Anywhere. “Ah mi bellezza, back again?” You turn around and stare directly in the dark eyes of the guy you met earlier. “I need to find my friend, she stayed here, she was talking to someone.” You tell him, not trying to show him your fears. “First, let me introduce myself, my name is Armand,” He says while he takes your hand a kisses it. You feel that you’re starting to blush. “And may I ask your name?” he asks while looking deep into you eyes. You can feel your fears starting to subside. “My name is _____” You reply “ahh what a lovely name, though it doesn’t capture all your beauty.” With this you even turn a little redder. “Come, I’ll take you to your friend, she is downstairs, with Santiago.
28 apr 2006 - meld ongepast verhaal
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