i want nothing else then just to smash your fucking face in a comuterscreen
everything does not look like its seems
bitch you fucked my whole day up now
so bow
bow for the madness in me
bow for the chaos you see
bow for the hate you created
bow for all the respect that has faded
scared to shit you are becuase you scared of me
don't you fucking see
everything you say to me is a lie
all you do is act like a pussy and cry
just want to cut your face open and still let you live
with the guild you have to live
there is nothing more to give
then hate
i'll brake your neck and still make you face me
i'll cut your legs open and still let you try walk
i'll poke your eyes out and fuck them with pleasure
i'll do anything to you just to let you suffer
not even death is going to save you
i'll bring you back where you belong
and that's hell for you
becuase i am your hell!
een ode aan de linker buurman want de rechtste is aardig