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DE ‘PEILERS VAN PIJLERS’ WAARIN WE VOELEN, DENKEN, BEWEGEN, ZWERVEN, GROEIEN & "AL OF NIET VERDER KÙNNEN BLIJVEN VOORTBESTAAN"!? JB1: ALMOST NOTHING IS MORE COMMON-PLACE THAN THE READING EXPERIENCE, AND YET NOTHING IS MORE ÙN-KNOWN?! Reading is such a matter of course that at first glance, it seems there is nothing to say about it?! Also óur contributors@myDi thus all give reading [& writing] a second glance!? Ànd find much to say about ÌT?! Also óur "experiences and investigations dó TÁKE ùs beyond" the simple rubric of "literacy," which was once understood as [just] an evolutionary advancement in the generalization, abstraction, & reliable transmission of otherwise evanescent & changeable oral communication!? Now we àll throw in-to question the assumptions made a few decades ago, at the beginning of anthropological studies of li-teracy, that we could safely posit a "'CENTRAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LITERATE & non-literate so-cieties'" {'68/'88}! We are now coming te recognize a much more complex interplay of different forms of human communication, from lullabyes to hypertext & beyond. Likewise all of our entries & essays make it clear that the question of causality - whether it is "writing itself that makes a difference" {'68/'88}, or writing is merely part of a larger context - will not get us very far, not only because reading is as much a part of literacy as writing, but also because "writing" & "reading," unlike the speed of light, are hardly constant at all times & places! At the origins of our collection lies my own experience as part of a collec-tive reading group - bible study classes described from the very beginning? I was inspired to come to a church (and so on) by the examples of my older "brothers & sisters", who had successfully entered the world of traditional religious {& scientific/fictional} reading as an adult? Lacking the philological skills all of them had required, however, I remained somewhat of an outsider even though I wanted to "in & ón 'the Book'"! One way to enrich my experience, and to reassure myself of my own intellectual work in a situation where I was relatively incompetent, was to remind myself that in addition to being a novice student, I once was a certified 'professional' wanderer, hitchhiker, runaway, conscientious objector & prisoner in the Netherlands, Israel, Jordan and so on: from 'the beginning' of 'the '60's' Mor 'moved around' in be-tween the "Vale Ouwe" & the 'Middle- & Far-East'. And busybodies need time to recollect & -assemble.
10 mrt 2020 - bewerkt op 10 mrt 2020 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Profielfoto van Asih
Asih, man, 79 jaar
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