
Scorpio is the eighth sign, represented by the Scorpion or the Eagle. It inherently understands that it is a being on the planet and that there is more to it, but what? It loves the physical world simply because it is the tool that morally excellent Scorpio uses to go deep, deep and far beyond. Here’s the thing, Scorpio sees the world and the universe in a unique way, unfamiliar to any other sign in the zodiac. This is the Eagles’ eye, its gift, its pride and joy. It frustrates Scorpio because almost no one else gets it.

Like Scubby and the gang, Scorpio loves a good mystery. Why? Because Scorpio is the biggest mystery it will ever encounter. Scorpio has the gift to understand many, many of life’s biggest mysteries and no matter what the cost, Scorpio energy must pursue it. Therefore, it is willing to seek out others who do understand its metaphysical journey to go beyond this physical world while simultaneously experiencing it. Transforming itself and others is Scorpio’s greatest pleasure.

Scorpio is a combination of secretive, elusive and hold-it-all-in (or most of it anyway) mentality. And Scorpio thinks you would hold it in too if everything you did or said, or practically everything, came back to get you in one way, shape or form. It wins the award for the most misunderstood sign in the zodiac. Perhaps to ease its communication flaws, the Eagle focuses on life being about a series of deaths and rebirths, reinforcing the transformation theme.

For example, everyday is a new day, every moment counts as a fresh opportunity. "So how come people don’t see how simple it is?" Scorpio asks, appearing sad and disgruntled, blaming itself for its poor communication skills, "I must be a horrible person." Easy to bruise and hurt, sensitive Scorpio just wants to be, needs to be, yearns to be understood on a deep, deep level (so deep they may not admit to it, or they may shrug it off). Those are some of the ups and downs that Scorpio is accustomed to being and facing, which is part of its paradox.

Another part is that visually, Scorpio’s appear to look like normal, unseen, pushover, quiet types, but back one up against the wall and those true Scorpio characteristics come pouring out more feverishly than the Monday night made for TV special. Scorpio is not faking either. Scorpio is as real as they come, it is simply run by its emotions. It may not seem that way at first, but Scorpio loves to feel, regardless of what it may cost. Emotions make Scorpio feel alive. The Scorpion will choose pain over feeling nothing at all. This can make it brutal and unreal, for everyone, remember the deadly stinger? And Scorpio just wanted to be friends and explore psyches together.

Scorpio is a sexy, sexy sign. Being sexy does not mean that having sex is a big driving force for Scorpio because, in fact, this energy can hold its urges back if the conditions aren’t right. But when the conditions are right, watch out! Why is that? Firstly, because it is the first sign that is able to sacrifice its own identity for the sake of uniting or blending with another, emotionally. Secondly, because an orgasm represents a familiar contradiction or a mystery, that is, putting oneself aside logically (ego death) as well as indulging oneself to the fullest (ultimate ego satisfaction). It’s like simultaneously disappearing and fully showing up. That’s a mystery. That’s Scorpio.

Mood: vrolijk

Music: darkmoore halloween
21 dec 2005 - meld ongepast verhaal
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