crying over a guy? nah. pick up your head princess your tiara is falling.
is it data or data
route or route
caramel or caramel
either or either
read or read
tear or tear
is it just me, who automatically read them each diffrently?
if winning isnt everything why do we keep score?
to my haters.
i keep it real, and that's a promise.
i may be a b****,but atleast im honest.
when i walk by stop and stare,well keep staring cus i dont care.
i have my own life and style.
not trying to please you or make you smile!
when it comes to competition, you are out,
now shut up your hatin but!
and keep me out of your mouth cus i aint a d***
i might have these once every month. comment if you think i should!