slaap lekekr allemaal

ojee ik heb me weer Vreselijk misdragen vandaag...
en vermaakt met pb's
en tja, ik hoop dat iedereen morgen beter wakker wordt dan de stemming nu is hier

ik weet wel dat ik vol verwachting mijn inbox ga checken als ik thuis kom van mijn werk

volgens mij speelt er veel meer onder de oppervlakte van MD dan we te lezen krijgen
tja, who knows,
ach ik ga morgen weer fijn naar me werk
en misshien ben ik optijd terug
maar dat zal wel niet,

he bla, als je dit leest, give your friends a real loving hug and go out with them so they know they have not lost you !

pfff somehow i feel as if i am responsible
and then again, i think i am not

how i wish the world was like home.

go dream and wake up you guys
even if you dislike me
i have no ill feelings towards you
you don't see what i have been through and have to go through each day
you don't feel the fear i have felt my whole life
and you would not know the pain and suffering i have seen and see unfold again.

you may think i am a loser, YES I AM
i have lost more than you can imagine, and even though i try to tell you guys
what has been lost in the past is is fading now, you can't grasp it untill it happend
unless a miracle happens, and god (yes she) should know i hope that you all wake up for real.

harsh words often show great love in the most un attainable way.

i so wish you could have had a better education,
26 nov 2007 - meld ongepast verhaal
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sui, man, 47 jaar
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