oh yeah
the snake returned
my dear snake
the cruel snake
the split tonque
the sharp teeth
i know
the snake can bite
he will
that is what a snake does
but the snake in the grass
makes one thing clear
my grass is greener
would he not be else where ?
shedding skin
like the snake i am
telling you to do something
like the snake i am
i will get punished
like the old book tells
crawl on my belly over the grounds
eat dust like always
cast out of paradise
like always
as if
paradise is so much fun
where you can not do as you please
where there is no law but dictations
i am the snake
and i will die like one
stamped upon
because i told something
not because i am guilty
i will be killed
by those i told something
not by the one
who told me to tell
you go where you want
go and listen to the wind
hissing his words through the trees
like the snake i am
never listening to the heart
only the one thing matters
the hate for those who speak
their mind and heart
in one voice
and forget who made snakes
forget your own responsibility
forget everything good the snake told you
when you hate
the one thing that hurt