Soon baby soon

Dont know what to say
Dont know what to think
Dont know what to write
I dont know what I feel
I cant let you go
I love you to much
We are made for eachother
So go for it
For US
Come on
I love you
You love me
Why does there have to be a problem
Its ok
I can make you happy
And if you'r worried about my happiness
I can say
I know
I will be happy with you
So dont worry about that
You really would make me happy
If you just let us
Let us be together

I love you boo
I really do
And I just dont let you go
I just cant let ya
I just dont want it
I need you
You need me
Our love is real
Love you 4real
Love you 4life

Miss you in my life
Need to see you
I cant wait
And already not at all 2 weeks
So I'll visite you this week
And I know you dont want it
I really dont care
I'm sorry for that..
But I need to do this
See you

With Love verliefd

18 okt 2004 - bewerkt op 26 nov 2004 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Profielfoto van The One
The One, vrouw, 41 jaar
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