This is a story of the girl who had her head in the clouds and a boy that loved her and couldn't wait
The girl knew she was pretty & she could've gotten any guy
The boy knew he didn't have a chance but he never gave up
Every night the girl met someone new. Sometimes she would get a call back sometimes not
She would cry herself to sleep every night, hating her life
Hating being used just wanting someone to truly... love her
The boy knew what she was going through
He saw it straight through the smiles but never had the courage to speak up,try to help
Time went by
Smiles were fading rumors were being spread
Friendships were broken & past was catching up with her
One day he finally got the courage to speak up
He wanted to take her from the life and show her what true love was
He wanted to treat her with kindness & respect
The boy made his way to her house
An old man came out asking if he was next
The boy didn't understand so he followed the arrows to the lounge he found a note
Dear mom,
I have finally made enough money to help you with the bills
Mom i've ruined my life i cant handle it anymore
ur most likely to wasted to read this but i love you mom and i love the family...
The boy tried looking for her then...
he heard the garage open
she was sitting in a chair with a knife
He walked to her and kneeled down at her
She looked at him and cried
"all I wanted was true love"
The boy hugged her
stayed with her through the night
For the first time she felt.... loved
Then suddenly he couldn't breathe she realized he didn't have his inhailer
The girl didn't know what to do she tried to get help
He grabbed her by the arm he didnt want her to leave he wanted to stay in her arms
She sat down kissed him
"you showed me what love is dont leave with out me"
Then his eyes shut and didnt open
She cried
She looked around and found her moms gun
covered them in a blanket and pointed the gun at her head
She finally found true love and didn't want to let go
Two young people died that night........for love