the architect (story)

when you look up at the sky, what do you see ?
you'll see the blue sky and clouds, birds and planes, insects and smoke.
at night you'll see stars. lots of them, you'll see satalites and planes, mosquito's and bats.
the clouds and smoke will allways be there.

somewhere there has been a time that there were no planes, no smoke.
where has that time gone to ?
well, down the drain.

the way in which humanity evolved was and is the way of polution.
some say this is the only way for a technological and advanced civilisation, well that is a plain lie.

polution is the short way out, do you remember your parents hammering on you to clean your room ?
why did you not do that ?
simple, you did not want to spend the time on cleaning and picking up after you.
this is how our world has become.
we don't want to pick up after ourselfs, cause that costs money that we could use to build and gain more.

this is a simple explanation for where we are today.

so now we are here, what is there so problematic ?
well lets place ourselfs in the shoes of some other animal, pick the one you like.
so panda ? so whale ? so tiger ? so what ever you chose even if it is gold fish.
you are looking at the world and see your habitat changing, polution is everywhere,
your house and terretory is being taken by those bipedal idiots who do not clean after themselfs.
can you see it ?
you have less space and less water to sustain your life.
your offspring is getting sick and weak due to poisoning.

so why don't the humans clean this shit up ?

then the human jumps back in it's own shoes and claims that they do clean up !
oil spills we clean, like the one out in the sea.
and why ?
cause whole tropical ancient forests are spilled beyond repair in nigeria.
so it is only where ?
there where humans find it to be a problem.
we clean our coastal area's only because they are in the public eye,
not because we care !
no those who do the actual cleaning do care, but in the whole they are only worker ants and slaves.
(ants have seen on a relative base more personal freedom than humans !)
any way, i am going to talk about the other polution,

ever heard about contrails ?
contrails are the condensation trails you see behind planes that fly at altitude.
but the last years there have been rumours of chemtrails.
chemtrails are like contrails but insted of it being just condensation of exhaust and water from planes,
chemtrails are filled with chemicals and other substances that are not just condensation of water and exhausts.

now you might think this is weird.
well simple idea.
look up and see planes fly overhead, and when the condensation dissapears behind one plane and stays behind another which is at the aproximatly same altitude, you ask yourself how can that be ?
then that can still have some atmospheric reasons, but when you see a thick contrail behind a plane and
it suddenly stops and picks up soon after, you have to question again how can that be.

well, then there is something else.
condensation trails do not show up on meteorogical radars, chemtrails do.

so what is up with this ? you will think me being an idiot.
well take this while thinking, what is the use of pumping chemicals in the air ?
i'll tell you, you can pump out any thing out in the sky to create clouds, look up in the sky and look at the clouds, are the not far too often reminents of contrails ?
while contrails would disper naturally these clouds do not at the rate contrails would.
what does it do ? well besides the clouds which limits your sky viewing, they also have effect on the weather
and if you do some internet research you will see statements of states like the US and China where they
claim to be able to influence weather.
China recently made a statement inregards to the olympics.
but what else would it do ?
what is the effect of the chemicals that would fall down on the earth ?
what air do you breathe ?

then there is the possible option of putting out metals in chemtrails,
and you will ask what is the use of that ?
well besides the above stated possible reasons there is something called HAARP
look it up and see who is controling it.

HAARP has the potential to create illusions in the sky, or aurora lights,
what has this got to do with chemtrails, that are filled with metals and chemicals.
aurora lights are ionized particles from the sun hitting our atmosphere,
HAARP does the same but within the atmosphere, but it needs particles,
and there is where the chemtrails are comming in, as they can put out
particles that can light up when ionized.
and when they are at the point of perfection with HAARP they will light up our skies.
and make us see shit that is not there, and i could tell you more possible things, but that is
speculation where what i just wrote is an actual project of the international defence world.

so what is this about ?

slowly but surely the US is conditioned in to martial law.
can you see it in the previous posts ? well take a look at it and think how far we are here !

i can tell you shit about medical implications and other things that lead to heated debates
but i urge you to look into it yourself.

the world is filled with polution for a purpose
why use depleted uranium ammonitions ?

why massive landfills insted of better recycling methodes that have been available ?
why oil based propulsion when tesla found out about free electricity prior of the 2nd ww.
why nuclear plants when again tesla gave us the plans for free electricity.

if you doubt the tesla name i am spamming, look it up google your life away.
electromagnetic propulsion. it is out there, and it works.

why would they polute the earth ?
why do they keep you dependend to oil and plastics ?
why do we not see more hemp products other than the drug ?

do you know ?

they are limiting our self reliance, we can all grow non drug hemp to make fibers for clothes
for hemp oil that can fuel any diesel car with less polution for a fraction of the price.
hemp food can feed millions, cause it can grow everywhere !

look it up people !
why do they do it ?
why do they make life difficult for us ?

to keep Us DOWN !
they keep us down by providing their products and making us pay taxes and high prices for things that could all be so much cheaper !

so why are they poluting the world ?
ever heard of the tactic scorched earth ?
it means that if youburn the earth there is nothing to go to and return to in a war situation.
yet this time it is not scorched earth, but poluted earth, cause scorched earth has been proven so much more furtile, in all aspects.
poluted earth makes you stay in the places where they can controle and milk you !

if you think this is not the case, please drink your water and believe the lies they sell you !
or google and do some research, they are creating a prison planet where the elite can do what ever
and you the people have to suffer their prices.
not real ?
guess you have to look at how people are treated, like paris hilton and her prison experiance, or any celeb
drug addict, cause if they were not celebs or influential, they would go to jail no matter what.

why is joran still running free ?
cause there is something we are not aloud to know.
he could be arrested only for a simple fact of obstructing justice for telling various lies !
so why ?

you know in your heart you are being shafted and bled to death with taxes and controle meassures.

we have no freedom.
cause if you think you do, please go out and tell the truth.
ask for the truth.
they will avoid the question and tell you you are a nut.

you should stand up and show you are not their slave !
any one following the US elections ?
if you do, do you think it is fair elections ?
cause if you do, i am so sorry for you, you are beyond repair !
11 feb 2008 - meld ongepast verhaal
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