this beautiful path

last night i was walking
i still don't know where
i was just walking
on a path to i don't know where

a path with flowers on the side
and little pebbles on his way
i could here my steps
on this mysterious path

i walked trew a forest
and over a rill
and still i didn't knew
where this path would bring me to

then i heard other steps
little pebbles crushed away
i turned around
but couldn't see the risk

i got scared
what was it that i heard
i closed my eyes
and opened them again

then i saw this horse
beautiful on his fleece
i knew this was the end
the end of this beautiful path
16 mei 2004 - bewerkt op 17 mei 2004 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Profielfoto van him_lover
him_lover, vrouw, 38 jaar
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