Today was a good day to work! Like everyday, Hiep and I worked normally, nothing special! My hands were not too hurd these time
because Marisol and I worked with nomal bags, not bad bags! Good days. After the lunch time, I met Marina a lot, she came and help
the Mexican women to work. It seems her working area was free that time. I worked very good because Marisol usually helped me, but Hiep
worked a little hard because Mr. Hesult's finger was cut ( sometime I came and help him in my free time to wait new order). However, in the
last time, Hesult help him to finish all stuck bags. The time that the old man and the black man of night ship appear are always the best time
I love. It 's 5:15pm, and I start to clean up and prepare to go home.
After had dinner, Hiep, Minh, and I went to Winco food to buy some food
for tomorrow. Denny, Hai cooked for us then, he cooks very well, and almost food I ate was from him!
Thanks be to God for all thing!
Huynh Tran