weet het lara ben een testjesslet :)

oke kon het weer niet laten nadat lara een tijd terug een testjespagina heeft laten zien ben ik semi verslaafd eraan vrolijk en tevens welkom back laartje vrolijk

welke tarotkaart ben je test

The Chariot
You scored 88 change, 55 wellbeing, 65 wisdom, and 69 truth

The Chariot card is 7th in the series of the Major Arcana. The chariot driver controls the chariot with no reins or other harnesses, he expresses his will to control the functions and direction of the positive and negative forces representing the white and black sphinxes. This card is symbolic of the soul and the physical shell. The cart is enclosed and represents speech, for in speech we enclose ideas an set them into motion. Vocabulary can also serve as a protective unit by the power of words that strike home to the souls of others. The square on his breast plate is symbolic of order and control over the material world. This card falls under the vibration of the number 7.

http://www.crystalinks.com/chariotarot.gif" class="resize" alt=""/>

some extra words:

achieving victory
reaching your goal
being successful
coming out on top
beating the competition

using your will
being determined to succeed
focusing your intent
rising above temptation
letting nothing distract you
sustaining an effort
concentrating your energies
fixing on a goal

asserting yourself
being ego-focused
establishing an identify
knowing who you are
feeling self-confident
having faith in yourself
looking out for your interests

achieving hard control
mastering emotions
curbing impulses
maintaining discipline
holding in anger
getting your way
assuming the reins of power
showing authority

the what type of girl for you test

The Suicide Girl
56% Sexy-Cute, 34% Dark-Light, 14% Artsy-Stylish
Cute, Dark, and Artsy, it's the Suicide Girl. A cousin of the Goth Girl, she's a little more on the cute side than the sexy side. Her interesting hair and impish smile make a certain kind of person wonder how her unique outfits would look lying crumpled beside the bed. By the way, if you don't get this category name, you don't know your Palahniuk... or your internet porn.

deze test is erg kloppend vrolijk

mood: vrolijk

Music: sisters of mercy alice
14 dec 2005 - meld ongepast verhaal
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