What if.

Dit is even voor mijzelf. Een theorie over het leven, vergezocht maar overweldigend interessant. Het bescrhijft het leven als een illusie waarbij slechts de waarnemer een daadwerkelijk vermogen tot rationaliteit heeft. De rest van de mensen zijn slechts 'ingevoegd' en proberen deze werkelijkheid van jou weg te nemen.

-I can say with some certainty that I've been on the planet longer than most of you (a lot of you) and something over the last 12 years has shifted significantly. Almost monthly recalls of contaminated foods since before the original mad cow disease scare.
However as some "interloper" (that's what they're called) will undoubtedly point out, every thing is explainable to some degree, but collectively is how you need to look. THe progression of what and where it takes place.....

-I believe there's not more than 10,000 people in this matrix. I can count on one hand how many people I've actually met.
All the rest are trees falling in the woods with no one to hear them.
People are only in the houses if you go to the door and knock.
Stop and listen to chatter on public transport, it's nonsense. No meaningful communication takes place.
Watching the world is like a badly repeating screensaver, with a few random events thrown in to trick the mind in to believing in reality.
its funny, when i lived in seattle, i was home nearly all the time, but rarely ever heard anyone use the water other than me and the walls and floors were paper thin.

-The guy above me could read my thoughts (and yeah i know how it sounds and thought the very same thing about myself at first) and would follow me around the apartment (ie. i went to the bathroom, i could hear him go to the same room above me). Couldnt believe it, or wouldnt for the first year, until i started to intentionally think about how to kill him and read about methods of poisoning over and over. I thought, i will apply it to the door handle of his car in the carport and slowly he will absorb it into his system. Of course i told no one. then One day I was hanging out on the front porch of my friends home (who lived across from my apartment) and could see the car port of my building clearly. It was dark out but it had overhead lights. Then i see my upstairs neighbor, go to his car's passenger side door, with like several towels covering his hand and open the door of the car. Totally freaked me out.

-Sometimes you'll be walking down the street, and you see someone, and your eyes meet, and it's almost like you should know that person, or do know. Like a player in a world of NPCs, something's different about this person, you don't know what, but it's like they're in color and everything else is black and white.
Then you both get on with the program, look away and keep walking.

-other facts :
the reptilians and their underlings put flouride in drinking water so as to further dumb down the public minds. flouride is known to decrease dmt production in REM sleep. basically making you blind to the facts fucking your pineal gland up.

-well that the first thing you must give strong consideration to, if you aren't insane. I mean thats the logical path. YOU/WE are conditioned to believe this and that and are told what is real and what should be ridiculed and dismissed, but you must trust yourself UBER ALLES (above all else). Observe, catch your thoughts as the pass and move and notice other things that happen simultaneously a those thought come up. Listen for bells, whistles, pronounced and more clear words of others when they are talking though the rest becomes unclear. That film where the mathematician guy goes nuts (Jennifer Connely was in it; A Beautiful Mind I think?) is about a guy who begins to peel away the "secret" layers but his mind i far to rooted in the one sided Earthly conditioning of intellect to understand or believe that what he believes he seeing, exists. I mean there a whole contingency that operates by releasing info in films or books that is true, but then later saying something to the effect of "well that just a movie" thus successfully undermining the information they have given, so that they arent really NOT telling you, just telling you things that are so unbelievable that they can not be accepted as true.
10 dec 2010 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Angeliek, vrouw, 111 jaar
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