nothing happend
the world just stood still
and what was wrong any way
like as if there was some thing special ?
saw the bodies
wasted by things i could not understand
saw the horrific scene and did it matter ?
the world did not stop
the world just grew worse
i had hopes
high hopes
but i knew they crumbled
and did i care ?
hell no
i cheered
like the kids i was happy
still i am
but nothing has realy changed
i am still locked up in the cage
they still walk by to see the monster
as he has his dinner
oh how they love dinner time
and we sit down there
longing for dinner
a real good meal
like that what passes every day
back in the day
when we were created
they made us do terrible things
they wanted us to do horrific deeds
and we did
we knew better
or did we
it was all just fun and game to us
and the rewards, they were so nice
but one day
some one came
said that he cared
gave us a hiding place
and a tree
it was a freaking zoo out there
where is the love in that
as we realize by growing older
we have been created
not even were we born out of love
hell most of us don't even know the meaning
they have been so manipulated
and still
after all the shit we had to do
they think we are dumb
they think we don't know
and may be you do
may be you don't
do you remember
eric Dehaan
just a few names
what does it matter
do you remember
the time they took us up
the time i was bound in this cage
that they tortured me for something
and i am sure i did not do any of it
remember when i walked
past the park
to the light
and i got ambushed ?
how many times can i be stabbed ?
how many shots can you fire ?
and still i made it
just to find
i was evil
do you remember
how i hide my wife and kids
how i had to hide in my own loving house
how i died so many fucking times
and that when you found out
that i could love
i could care
and go into the deepest love you could never feel
you killed them
not i
maybe i did
but what was the fucking option
let you do it
let them suffer in the torture
oh how angry they were
i remember in the light castle
sitting there
some strangers sat there
and a special one
one you wanted
one i might not touch even
oh how things were messed up
i got blamed
for all i did
for all you did
and they did
they walked free
for as far as i know
they dislike me
hate me
fear me
and now think i am dead
but i am not
i am stuck in this prison
and every day
i have to endure
the visitors
as they watch me eat this filth
this is how you repay me
for all the demons i have killed for you
this is how you repay me for doing your bidding
because you fear me
and you don't know
what i am
what i have become
who made this monster
and we know
both know
i am
dead and still alive
remember the red head guy
the chick with the curly black hair
the asian girl with lovely eyes
and the blonde babe
remeber thomas
do you ?
as you were a coward
like you are now
not worthy of this name
but then again
it probable isn't
do you remember my kids ?
the little monsters in the dunes
playing joyfully
remember my wife
how horney she looked in that dress
how sweet she always took us in
let us be bloody and messy
how she would serve us tea
remember her screams ?
the pain ?
or was it just me that heared ?
was it just me that got hurt
when later i heared
she got raped ?
and every one
thought i did it ?
every one thought i was the one who could do such things
i can kill
and torture
but i can never rape
and in any logic you know
every one knows
and still
i got punnished
now i still sit here
seeing them walk by
the strangers
watching the monster
that killed more than you could count
the one
that raped and plundered
but they never found my booty
for there is none
they who keep me looked up
are they who ordered me
are they who created
a monster in me
i miss being free
i miss to love
i miss the taste of blood
and i hate
and it is growing ever so slightly
the world around me

*discription of cage*
if i walk out
they torch me
flames envelope me when i reach out
flame throwers on all exits