2 of 3 dreams of last night.

so there was this world,
a great place mind you, i loved it
good friends are those wired simular
and companionship is more important than status reports.

but any way
my friend
there was this great fight going on,
some of them were fighting us and with determination
trying to get to the little girl
a pressious one with the looks of an angel.
never mind the looks, cause they can mislead you

but she was important, to them and thus for us,
i guarded her with my life, my soul and escence of excistance.
me and my friend who was wired, and i mean wired.
he was pumped, and i mean with pumps
he was electrifying, and i do mean with electricity
so you know what i mean don't you ?

we fought hard to protect the little girl, and we were ruthless in that
while she, scared as always and brave as always made her way through.
she had to get to a save place, and this tower was not it, but then again
it was the place she should be at so we had to make it save.
one of them, also a wired one had forced his way up
and tried to get on top of us,
this would not happen would it ?
no it would not.
the girl hid in a corner, the key in her hand
while my wired friend and i distracted the one who thought the high ground was his.
a struggle emerged.
and unclear what really went on, i only know the girl did her stuff
pulled through and showed she had it .

good friends are hard to come by, but i would not call her a friend as such.


while trying to cross the street i heard two choppers comming in from the south east.
i looked up and recognized them as being hostile.
militairy choppers now hung above our heads, searching waiting.
i took out my camera and strated filming
and at the same time my camera was roling, cars and vans filled with security forces blocked the streets
and angry looking cops and soldiers came out and started to form a parameter and fire line.
this was weird, and i kept on roling,
then the choppers started blazing away at a 4 or 5 story building
machine gun fire and small arms fire filled the air, the smell of cordite and jet fuel my nose.
on the balkony i could see a guy waving and or was he shooting ?
this was a waving motion, i was sure of it, and then i started screaming
"why don't you people do something, don't you fucking care ?"
"am i the only one who tries to do something here other than stare ?"
still filming people looked at me as if i was the looney.

i thought i was the only one who cared, but i was not.
a uniformed guy came up to me,
he pulled me by the shoulder to the back of a blocking truck
i was screaming my lungs out, but people just stared as if i was crazy.
i saw some familiar faces, but could not tell if it were really them
i thought i would recognize them if it were them, but they only looked exactly like them.

at this time my focus went back to the balkony, and the guy pulling me to the back also hessitated, still with my camera i focussed on the railing,
a guy still pointing yelling doing something... now flew in the air.
he fell down hard.
i asked my guide, "whats this all about ?? "
he looked at me and i saw his eyes, i knew him...
he said, "idiot, keep quiet, you'll get caught"
"what ?"
"hey, i tell you now, you are from the press, act like it !"
wtf ? what was he on ?
at first i wanted to protest his lie, but as he dragged me in to the lions den i got quiet
he showed me around as if i was from the press, and he told other i was
he also showed me the gear they were towing, not your ordenairy arrest....
some guys came up, seeing me with my camera
i started to sweat, but they thought they would be on TV so when i recognized the eager for fame i knew i could play this game.
i got to see all the shit, and when we passed the block on the otherside he said,
"get out of here, don't get caught with the tape, don't get caught at all."
then he pushed me and i was off, out of the cordonned off streets....

(i slept like hell, started with a dream i can't remember, but i woke at 2 am then fell back to sleep
and woke 4 am, then the third dream and woke at 6 am, before the alarm, then dozed a bit.)

the first dream was like these clear as day, could not get any bit less real than life
all i do know is that the first had some things of explicit nature i them.
things worth dreaming.
10 okt 2007 - meld ongepast verhaal
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