a friend and i
we were, special
maybe not so special after all
we could see things
things that did not excist
not according to the masses
there were more friends
but with that one friend i saw
i was not blind
they were there
running next to us
as we drove our mopeds
things are not as they seem
things are not that real
surely not what you consider as reality
that is but a fake layer
that get messed up and trusted
any way
we never speak of those things
we only hug occationally when we meet
sometimes we don't hug
because there is something happening underneth the layer
we see it in our eyes
just a glimpse
we never look in our eyes for too long
we know better than that
the world was taken hostage
we were there and understood
just the few of us
we saw and reacted
we fought so hard
and worse
we remember
we got fucked
by sociaty, and by the world underneth
ignorent humans
if it was up to you
i'd be dead
and eventually this world would have been lost
now we are but broken
trying to get well again
i had to addept
be a normal human
not fall out of place
not to be noticed
but those who know
know i am noticed, all the time every time
just take a look in my eyes
and when your lucky
you will see, none of the hurt
and think i am just telling a story
not ment to be true or believed
it is good not to know
keep it that way
keep your simple lives simple
because once in
there is no way out
even death did not stop us
and we should have been dead by now
most of my friends should have been
we never speak
not about this
we just look into each others eyes and know
this was no dream
this is not real
only the eyes are
guess you would know
you and your simple live
keep it simple
don't go there where they tell you it is not save
because i can tell you one thing
dying and death can be better
then remembering things no one believes