hell you won't know
or maybe you do
i had nothing left
of my glory
my fame
my life
my flame
they used to torture me
with the simlpe things
just the images were enough
when they found out
i would not crack with pain
this clockwork orange shit
this ever playing trip
you know not what my thoughts are
when you touch me
it's true
what ever they told you
all is true
even the thought of raping you
but you should know
i ran by the slightest thought
i would not rape
nothing can change my being
nothing can change what i am
but they had no lack in trying
if only i did not lack dying
it's true
the horror i am
just ask around
close your eyes
and go to the god you trust
ask what i am
they will tell you
exactly what i am
just look
the hiding shades
the crawling shadow
no dignity left
no peace at all
no care in the world
there is no wolrd left to care for
there is no peace
when there is no war
i am that what is most frighting
and a little bit more
they locked me up
once i was sober
they took my wings
they took my love
and wasted it on you !
take good care
cause there will be a day
to remember
and even though the thought does come to mind
i might be eager and filled with urges
i could not rape
have not raped
you will not find rape
in your searches
i just kill
i just take
you took my love
you took my freedom
you took all that mattered
and wasted it
you hope that i will not retrieve
the things that belong to me
you gave it to the "innocent"
and now know
no one is
i will take what is mine
and kill all that stands in my way
this is my world
and no one will save the day
and if you wanna know a secret
here is a secret of life
those who rape, are sheep
those who are raped
are forced back to the flok
and now you know
you are sheep
or forced to be one
i have nothing to do with that
ask the other
who raped an inocent, for his selfish ressurection
born as son of god, just to clame the name
i have nothing to do with that !
rape is a flok thing
not my thing
i am a monster
sociaty hater
ethics debater
suicide skater
i kill the raper !
ask some
and listen to the stories
ask the gods you trust
i will soon kill them for lust !
i am the one who destroyes
i am the one who is
and you are but my reflection
low down like my shadow
hiding cowardly
behind a bright light
and a false god !
your god is money
remember that
your god is dead
your god sold you
when it realised
it could not stop
the monster inside