I don't know what to think
My feelings are mixed up
I felt into the ground
And you are the one that can lift me up
But I know you wouldn't do that
You can't do it
And that's my own fault
Because you don't know you are it
I've never tolded you
I have showed you
But I think I didn't showed enough
Or you just wouldn't see it
You don't know, but you breaked a part of my heart
You can't know, 'cause I was not clear enough or
You wouldn't know, you're seeying us as a part
With a miserable thougt
I've broken myself
I thought it could me beautifull
I was lying to myself
Actually, I would be happy now
I can tell myself now that I don't have to dream anymore
But it's also fucked up
Because that beautifull dream doesn't excist no more
I don't wanna see it now
I can't accept it from you
But there's coming one day
that I can say: thank you
Because you made me realise
that dreames are not always coming out
How hard it is to accept that fact
Because you're action, it is just not a fault
This whole song and feelings, it was my fault