i had a nice day
i worked from 7am till 6 pm
i had lots of fun
i saw beautyful women
it was sunny
and it rained
i got a nice day
no i had one
because it is not
any longer
i hate you people who judge over others
say what they feel
say what they should feel
i hate you niglecting shitheads
oh how selfish of you
you made people cry
you made others hurt
you did all you could to get attention
you you you
guess who says that often ?
the selfish fuckheads
them selfs
they who fear that others can bring them down
so they do it just before some one can do it to them
who the fuck is selfish ?
can you spare a minute ?
i got a problem
*and see the eyes go away*
then you know they can't be there for you
some thing happend
something went wrong
*see how they coward in reactions*
oh it was probably nothing serious
how can any one determine what is and what is not serious ?
can you feel the person asking for help or what ?
are you superhuman or what ?
pay fucking attention !!
as if it was you asking for help
serious help
never throw away or dismiss
always investigate
or be polite
and say,
i am sorry, but this is out of my leaque
this i can not deal with
but DON'T ever say it was nothing important
because you can not know or feel
if you were not there
oh how i hate this shitty world
filled with selfish basterds
who want so much time for them selfs
but can not give time
and it is not bad if you can not give time
it is not the end of the world
no it is sad to see you lie and deny
it is sad that you can not behonnest and considerate
it is sad you wont even fucking listen
i will still listen
i will still comment
and i will not leave any question un answered
i am selfish to show you i am so fucking right all the fucking time
and i do not enjoy it
because it realy shows how stupid the world is that i fucking live in
how i pitty you fools
and it is not pitty that makes me help you
it is not pitty that makes me listen
it is th need i feel
to help others in deep shit
no matter how deep
how shallow
i give what i can
what i have in side of me
i'd rather die myself
then ever know that i have failed some one
by not being the best i could
so i hope you fucking read this
and think hard the next time
before you say
*sorry i can't , because well....
(it is not realy a big thing ?)
i got an apointment
(my freaking tv soap is on in five minutes)
i have to go sorry*
how often i heard something like this
and for the times i heard this
i wish i could kill my self again and again and again
but i got just one freaking life
and when i kill my self
it will not be because of you shit haeds
you don't deserve my death
love does !