how stupid are we...

a 14 year old girl runs away from home to be with some guy on the internet she ends up dead... Really?! Did her mother or father or guardian not tell her the rules of internet. which is dont believe in everything people tell you on there. dont tell them your address, dont ask to meet up with them unless your guardian is there and theirs to. Be careful of who it is because they can be older men trying to get at little girls. I had relationships online before didnt like it.

Also another stupid story of the lady who let a stranger take her daughter to go eat. She had no idea who he was just met him at walmart they talked, he offered to feed her daughter she said ok. Left the daughter with him and then now the girl killed. turns out the guy was a child molester just got out of prison I think. First off why would you do that? just because you first met the guy doesnt mean all shit handy dandy~ hell no if I met someone a target wherever and my kid hungry and he offers to take my kid to eat I say "no I'll feed him/her in a bit they can wait 5 more minutes"

my friend had a baby of some guy who dumped her. She regrets having it now because her mom wont help her, her friends wont and I wont. When she first came to us with the news she asked what to do with it. I said Abortion. She said why? I said Well first off we have to many gosh darn people on the earth we dont need more. Second what if this doesnt work out you guys are still young, I know for a fact he's a wild type so he wants to party you dont or cant because well your pregos second you guys dont have jobs or anything who going to help you?
she said ok. BUT then another friend came in the picture and said keep it because its a life and its going to bring both closer I know it will, and its a trust game im sure he will change for your family I know he will he will get a job and you gotta give a life chance
I said Give life a chance? I dont think so. we kill tree's,fish pigs cows, chickens and we dont give them a chance no we dont. Chicken eggs dont have a chance to turn into a chicken it is not a life? when we get periods it is not a wasted life? Regardless a life will always be wasted what makes this CELL any different?
We both argued our friendship ended there but I went on facebook and the prego one sent me a message she kept the baby and it was born two months ago. But she didnt sound happy she told me the guy left her, her mother wont help because its her responsibility, She doesnt want to give it adoption now because she doesnt want it going to the wrong family and she tired of it because it wont stop crying it reminds her of her bf and how stupid she was.
The first thing I told her was "Didnt I tell you this shit was gonna happen?" she said yes I should of listen verdrietig
and I know she a nice girl and I dont talk to her much but all I told her was "If I was right the first time then I suggest you either man the fuck up and deal with it and take care of it. OR put it for adoption I know you dont want to but Im sure it will find a nice home anyways.
She said ok thank you. what does she do though? she goes to her ex page leaving him messages asking why wont he answer, and she misses him and she can change and I Sit there like "women he just left you... he aint taking ya back"
But ugh stupid people!! oh well I guess we all have to learn one way or another
26 jun 2013 - bewerkt op 26 jun 2013 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Littleaxy, vrouw, 31 jaar
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