What is your favorite music?

What is your favorite car?

What is your favorite drink?

What is your favorite food?

What is your favorite brand?

What is your favorite animal?

What is your favorite type of pen?

What is your favorite website?

Okay, that what pretty easy huh? Now, let's try a different approach:
What do you think of President Obama?

What do you think of Ex President Bush?

What do you think of plants and flowers?

What do you think of daylight?

No fun? Let's try something else. Remember, ONLY pictures you find on Google!!
What does your house look like?

What does your mom look like?

(Ja dit is echt zo, mijn moeder staat op Google xD)
What does your crush/love/fiancéé/spouse look like?

What does your face look like?`

What does your bed look like?

What do your current clothes look like?

Oh, and what does your pet look like?

And, last but not least, what does the food look like, you are going to cook/eat tonight?

Thank you for playing, please repost, and feel free to add any fun questions