the simplisity of it all
you live
you die
, no more to it
speak your mind
and keep it straight
it remains simple
tell a lie
and make things worse
and you will lose your way
life is simple
when you allow it
when you are true to it
it is simple to digest
all different flavours
without rejection
without a liking
but pure to feed
pure to endure
life is simple
when you love
because they are good to you
life gets even better
when you hate
then it all falls in your face
and is it not great ?
when you know you don't hate
when you know
it is but a feeling
a misunderstanding
and how great it feels
when you hate me
because i do not reply
in that manner
i will only love you more
choke you in soothing words
burry you in comforting words
and let you drown
in hate, that is mere yours
because if you hate
you forget
the love you can not get

aint life simple

aint it fun
because it feels soo great
hate me for making life simple
because you don't know the fuck what you do
and this is still the simple part
never the less
it is hard
for every one
simple answeres don't exsist
there only wrapped like snacks
and throw away the wrapper
hate it for it polutes
hate the wrapper
because you don't need it
and be thankful
that there are trash cans
that realy like that what you hate
because they have written
the expiring date