you told the truth
you showed me your love
and it was not as deep
not deep enough
not for me to jump off and die
i want to slay your demons
i want to kill your dragons
but this depth of your love
is not yet or may never be
deep enough to hide in
to hide so to prey on the demons
its not yet dark inside
not yet filled with raging emotions
uncontrolable urges lack in it
so it leaves me out in the open
it is deep enough to say it is some thing
please kill me
askes the little one inside
please kill me and kiss me goodbye
then i won't have to crawl back
all disapointed and alone
all fucked up by love
please kill me and leave me behind
at least then i know for sure
you do love me
and she replied
i can't kill you
i am not sure
this didge can be a gorge
it can be a canyon
but it can also be but a smaal river
i can't kill you
it would break me
it would shake me apart
and leave me helpless
and the demons will come
i need you
some of you
but i know not
what i feel
i know not
what i need
the monster then spoke
sssst little ones
its but a horrid thing
feelings play their parts
and you are but pieces on the board
sssst little ones
no one has to die
no one needs to run and hide
no one needs the blame
you both told the truth
and will find shelter
underneath my wings
one under the left
one under the right
we will all sleep well
this strange truthfull night
and the wind blew
the clouds glowed
the sky lit up
and no one was hurt
but still the boy cried
kill me and kiss me goodbye
for he still not dares
to face the world
while he fights the horrid demons
he frightens him self
thinking he will never be loved
thinking he will never be good enough
kiss me
kiss me good night
leave me
leave me underneath a warm blanket of love
and know you were honnest to the little one
like the pain that never showes
honnest like the soft summer rain
kill me
kill me muthers the dragon
while the children sleep underneath his wings