never have a blind eye
never walk without knowing what is behind you
whan you forget or do not know that what is behind you
then it will sneak up on you
and you will be frightend
not knowing what it is that is behind you
messin up the things you remember
only look back when you know you don't know what it is that you have past along the way
to know what you have past is to know where you are heading
trust the things your eyes tell you
don't trust that what is unfelt
some things may frighten deeply
but they will not allways be frightning
like little things and bugs
most things have more to fear from you
but it is your fright that freezes you
and out of fear the little things attack
that is why it is important
to know what you have past along the way
little things can look big when frightend
and big things may appear small when you pass them
a mountain is often big
but on a post card it will never be bigger than a post card
but it will still be a mountain
i had a visit last night
and though eager to sleep again
i have to wait and pass some things
that might frighten me