low profile survivalism

in the current world situation you notice several occurances that are disturbing.

the Free world, aka the US of A has seen a huge leap in awareness and dissent, the population is becomming more and more distrustfull of government.
approval ratings on even main stram media show appauling results.

as a reaction on sees that water fluoridation programs are pushed and stepped up a notch to quell this dissent amoung other frightning things one can find right out of george orwell's 1984.

as a reaction to the No in ireland against the lisbon treaty we now see fluoridation programs on the rise.

only goulag masters would emplore these kinds of destructive measures prior to just blunt force.

we also see a rise in detentions of independent journalists, and this also is a sign of decay of the free world as in the whole of western sociaty.

we also notice (we as in infowarriors and survivalists) that coorperate water bottle manufacturers are leaning towards adding fluoride to the water as an additive, claiming tooth health as the main reason, which has been disproven many more times as being destructive than it being good for you.
danone and disney water are fluoridated and also here in holland you find that C1000 has fluoride in their own brand water.

also notice that the cheaper stuff is often more poisonous than the more expensive stuff, this goes for almost all brands.

after the nutrasweat incidents in the late '80's that was found to be highly cancerous and toxic the name changed but the ingredients remained and one can see in the documentation of codex alimentarius that the main component of nutrasweat (aspertane) is like fluoride a healthy substance.

governments and coorperations are waging war on your health and liberties,
once you sound the alarm the powers that be raise the bar with draconian measures like water fluoridation
and in the same proces they also create fear so that the minds of the population are pushed into a place and method of thinking that is unlogical and less analitical due to fear and the biological chemicals it releases in the body.
one can see this in examples of police brutality and police gear being militarized.

to be in fear on tends to see these things as seperate while docile and complacent with the consumer role given to the now slave population which has no respect but fear for government without realizing it,

this is population controle for you, and it is simple, to survive one can go out right head up frontal and one can go low profile,
in the low profile cases world wide we see that water fluoridation has not yet begun.
where you see organized resistance and outcries for civil and health liberties you notice the force applied
by the coorperate governments.
(coorperate governments are nothing less than pure fascisme like musolini intended.)

to deny the existance of coorperate government one has to be sure no government official takes bribes or is connected to the coorperate world,
here in holland we can see that we are under fascime for a long time yet have not had much to fear as in oppression of simple civil liberties, showing it can be a likable place to live in.
but non the less it is fascism, when our queen is grand share holder of shell and our vice premier is loyal to the bank he worked/works for.
when most of the people in the 1st chamber are also in commisions and secretariats of big multi nationals.

here we see that due to low profile survivalism of the social groups has helped in keeping our water clean of fluoride and the militarisation of police is not yet at the same levels as we see in the US.
though we should not kid ourselfs in thinking this is bliss, cause when ever there is a civil protest about to blokkade a mayor highway they will employ and deploy military forces dressed in blue to obfuscate the fact but our security forces are para militairy. and that is against human rights, and dutch law, cause we may not deploy militairy against the population.

so to secure a reasonable life and survivability one has to think in two ways at least.
one is to be low profile and partially compromise and be patient and ever vigilant.
the other is to go out in full force against those that wage war on liberty and health.
the latter is in all cases due to our social history and understandings the last resort.
but it will be used in time when the powers that be waste our good faith.
we have the legal right to defend our lives and our well being with equal force.
and besides that, it is our god given right to oppose opressors and those that are tyranical.

so keep a low profile,
and prepare your survival if you love life and liberty.
do not allow the fascists to soft kill you and the future.

but then again, i must be talking to myself here.
03 aug 2008 - meld ongepast verhaal
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