just darkness
just the void around me
waiting for the monsters to come
you know those horrid monsters
i can't wait to kill the monsters
the monsters that call themselfs human
that stupid rase of ignorent fools
and i am but one of them now
i am not nice now
i am waiting
preying on the suckers
oh i just thought i'd kill myself
well that is all gone now
(don't turn away from me, i need you to hold onto)
( i am all alone in this fucking world )
and i am going to kill
slowly the void fades
i see the horrid pain as i return to the bloody real world
the one you wont see
the one you can't see
i can here them comming
now they dare
as light sets in
as my anger is fueled by the sun
as my predictable behaviour leaves me
just a second ago
with knive in my arm
but blood, hell no
i will not bleed when i can kill
i have been in too much shit just to give up
i will not go down
not alone (praise to all suicide murderers !!)
when no one listens
when no one seems to understand
when diplomacy fails
all that is left
is to kill kill kill
and what is worse
to kill your self and let them walk away with it
or to kill them and walk away with a smile

oh no stupid human will ever get me alive
i have to fuel myself up
let the anger flow
let the hate dissapear
and find my love in the killing of innocents
for there are none
every one choses to live
and every one knows death is waiting
and no tears for death
for he'll be working long houres
before i am done
they killed my family once
and try to do it again
they made me kill them all
and forced me in to this shit
well times have changed
i found them
well misformed and ugly like humans
tales cut of at birth
wings clipped beyond reccognision
i will kill them stupid
no longer my own life is at the mark
no it is the fucking world
i will do some thing that matters
i will sleep
and deep sleep will come to me again
so my body rests my soul will hunt and kill
search and destroy
find and gather
so my family will survive this world
come you stupid humans
i am getting impatient
i am getting eager
trigger happy
as my guns are loaded
my mind is set
and you are dead !
you just have to see the light
of my muzzle flash
before you know what it feels like
no longer will i be a boedha
no longer a saint
no longer the shelter for the weak and fear full
no longer will i weak for the failing sheppards
no longer the tiranny of the humans
they have had their chance to better them selfs
and they failled gloriously
as so greatly anticipated and planned
as if i was going to give them a chance
hell no
the odds were always agains them
i pick up my armoury
and prey
as grey is what i see in the future
and grey is not what we want
it is blood red
it is green of trees
it is blue of nightsky setting in
yellow like the sun
that is what we want
tranquille like the water
my mind will become
as i find my bodhidarma
in the soundless void
the moment of retreaving
life from the ones that took without
and know
no one here alive had my permission
they have to gain it
any one
who stands between me and my family
who stands for democrazy and foolish greed
they will suffer endlessly
every one who stands in my path will be slaughtered
they cut of our tails
because it looked strange
they clipped our wings
because of jaloursy
the took our pride
out of fear
they molded our lives
so we could not escape
they destroyed our values
to replace it with their own
and i recovered
and will take what is mine
the stupid one on my throne will die
he is a false god
he will die even if it is a she
because i know
there will be enough
left for me to kill you !
no one will sleep easy anylonger
i will set my family free
i will let them kill and rule the surface again
not because we need to rule
but because there will be no stupid human left when i am done
their foolish mechanics and electronics
i will use against them
i will take their words and praise
and shove them right back at them
you who trust in democrazy
you who trust in peace
must know one thing
i am not a believer
i am not a fool like you
to the stupid jews (fanatics)
god did send a man of peace
and you just ignored him
because he was not of your rase
he brought peace and you failled to acknowledge
because suddenly
it looked as if god was not making all !!!
you now will feel
as you did for so long
and now it is not me who does hurt you
for i have not lifted a finger
i just enjoy your ignorance and stubornness
and for the muslims (fanatics)
you will only make them hate you
with your kind of understanding
and for the foolish christians (fanatics)
go ahead rape your children
make more become aware
rape the nons and minds
kill the ones you fear and hate
like the bible tells you to !!
i have not seen that being written !!!
and keep your eyes closed for what happens in the house of god
i will kill
like i did when so young and wretched
after all this shit the last few days
all these nightmares and hell
i know
i can win
not for winnings sake
not for victory
but freedom
freedom to dream what i want
because they took it all
they let me to believe
the wrong i was
but i was never wrong to love
i was wrong to deny
your deaths !!!
i can not emphasize this more
they have broken my life
but never my spirit
never the monster inside
the animal !
the beast they fear
777 god(s) will come and claim
and take what is mine
for i am eight
for i am five
and i am the one
that will survive you all

*i never was a part of you !!*BURN*