it is done
they have seen my terrible life
oh how they were
to see me
still breathing
when they saw the time
and how surprized they were
that i didn't do any thing evil
not even a little bit
oh how they stared at the strange being that was me
how they saw me
and now realize
i am not
that what they thought
oh how lovely
how sad
that all these years
i've given all i could
all my privacy
and now
they know it was but
a simple life
nothing realy fucked up to report
no threat to any one
except my self
how they saw me giving up love so many times
how they saw me sacrifice all i had
give all i could
and still no evil things derived from it
no i did not think
it could last
i should have been dead now
yeah they saw that too
how evil they were
not to let me in
oh it was just selfish, i was in their care
and still
they kept me alive
to see if i would do
and still nothing happend
nothing that realy mattered
i bled
i cut myself
that was not nice
no that might be the wrong thing they were waiting for
SO fucking what
in comparison
i have had
a good life
a simple life
like it is
can i now have my life back ?
or will you not even consider it
is it nice to have this lab rat?
will you review this
will you debrief me ?
guess it is not even close to done
you just hide deeper
ever so sneaky
and play with me
like you did all along
and i ?
no what about the people around me ?
what are they ?
victims ?
passengers ?
what ?
by standers
acters and actresses ?
i don't even care
will you at least
clean up the mess
for the next shift
they will appriciate it