Sometimes it's hard being strong..
To know in your hart that you could do it, you could make it, and you'd be there no matter what..
But will she? Words are easy.. they've always been, I have some strange principles like always keeping my word.. and I wouldn't break it for the world..
I wonder.. it feels so right.. but I've been tricked by my hart before, and only when it ends and you look back you see whats been in front of you all along.. I want it to work.. I don't want to hear any lies..
I wonder.. ..
Living together sounds so perfect, and it is.. I want to be there for you.. always, someone to help you no matter what.. never get mad, never hurt you, never tell you your doing it wrong, I'll be there to support you in what you want, what you care about.. but will I make it? I'll never speak my doubts, I'll never tell you I'm scared.. because thats just not me.. I'll help you.. show you what a familly is, a place you can feel save, home and loved.
Tomorrow is a scary place.. hope..
..we can always hope. So hope I will.. hope that I can be strong, strong enough to be there.. be there whenever you need me.. just hope you feel like me.. words.. are words.. it's whats hidden in your hart that matters, beauty fades, friends will change, but you.. will always be you..
Guess I'll go to bed in a few minutes.. today was pretty good, but I need to get a job.. school is more expecive than I thought, and slowly I'm going into the red again.. 300 euro for books was okey, but monthly school payments and no money from my parents eventhough there both working is killing me. And an ex with more money than anyone my age, and a place bigger than my parents house for her own, that wants me to move in.. which is NOT gonna happen, but still anoys the hell out of me..
Jah my life ain't so easy either.. but I'll smile and be there, not because I prommissed.. but because I want to, I always seem to make it.. somehow. I'll worry for the both of us, you've earned some happiness in your life for once..