The dream awakes and the sleeper fades away..
Well I went to the job interview thingy.. guess what they made a mistake and I have to fill in the papers all over again and come back the next week. Well no use wasting breath, it happend so guess I'll redo the questions. On the bright side school was pretty easy.. 1 hour from 15:30 to 16:30 of database quary theorie (say that 10 times fast) rest of the day I just spend staring at the sun, sitting in the gras, smoking the gras I wasn't sitting on..

Oh! Oh! Finally we'll know what happend after the 2000 invasion block, I'm no longer and kinda never was a big fan of the card game. I did collect the cards for a few years.. but hey everyone makes mistakes. I've bought every magic novel that ever hit the market since well it began! So I need to get my hands on the new book.. guess I'll have to wait till october..
What happend:
InvasionUrza requested that Teferi help him fight against Yawgmoth's invasion of Dominaria, and perhaps man one of his titans. Teferi refused, and instead phased out the entire continent of Jamuraa and a large part of Shiv to secure them against the invasion. This further hurt Urza's plans by preventing the use of one of his large powerstones factories on Shiv.
Time SpiralTeferi at last returns to his home plane only to find it devastated and barren. Time itself is fracturing, and it’s up to Teferi and his companions to find a way to halt the collapse. It won’t be easy when his allies are poised to turn against him.
Oh man glad to see there finally making new books and stopped using reprints (coldsnap) gigigi.. what I've seen sofar is some big rifts in time and in the planes, and knowing what happend in the war there probably some more damage. "Time Spiral" maybe even in time? we'll be seeing some planeswalkers from ages ago and from now anew? Hope so.. really looking forward to this!!
melisk, man, 40 jaar
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