who cares
they all complain
but dare not to listen or look
dare not to change them selfs
i try so hard
and work my ass off
and all i get is complaints
all i get is rejections
the world is not enough to satisfy me
i would settle for far less
but they are to blind to see
i have been called so many things
and all of those things i am
and all the damned complaints i work on
but never do they come and say
well you did great
none of you here i think bad of
none of you i would be angry at
but then again
i seem to be
murders have reduced
i will not take the credits
but some sure put the blame on me
i would kill
just ask
i have killed
and without remorse
the things i do
go beyond your imagination
and i work my ass of
just to make your life easy
but i think i will stop
stop this ungratefull work
and be selfish again
i think i will return to the kill at will thing
the indiscriminate killing for the fun of it
the hurt for hurt's sake
none of you seem to care more or less
your so selfabsorbed
afraid to see
blinded by the lust and greed
the fun of it all
guess i will get my fun
and do all i want
who cares what you want or need
because when you get what you need
you ask in all inpolite manner for more
when you get what you want you just ask for the next best thing
maybe this is about me
but then again
murders have reduced 19%
when i claimed what they called me
the devil !
i am alien
to you
you are (but) human to me