when he wakes
when he opens his eyes
when he looks up and into the world
will i then fade
fade as daily life will overcome
and he becomes ?
will i die
when the poet stops dreaming ?
(my dear friend ,
how i long for the day
that we can see in each others eyes
this was one big dull nightmare
and we can finally say
with a smile and a tear in our eye)
can we ever
get lose from this insanity
this grip that binds us
the black dot
it was not away
it was
where we came from
and how did it happen
for all of us
for we are not the only ones
it is an experimet
and the world is our lab
and our lifes the experiment
we are all wired up and fucked
by the things our minds create
wish we could talk about it
but this distance seems to be
our fait
(i am sorry for my eagerness
sorry that i did not always wait
but now that i have not
i am glad to hear from you again
maybe one day
our eyes will meet
and maybe things will come
to mind
it might just be what is needed
to be foud
what we set out to find)
know i love and care for you
even if we are all but imaginairy
you are real to me
and one day
you will prove it