for one who reads
for one who understands
does one think ?
for one who is smart
for one with the good grades
for one who has the education
but do you have the understanding ?
one with good grades
do not have the answere
they have the words
sociaty wants to hear
but do you come close to the truth ?
would you rather believe the teacher
you are quarantined in the reality they want you to believe
so they can find support for their reality
their dream and interpertation
but is it then true ?
because they say so ?

for the ones with good grades and small minds
for the booksmart shitheads fucking up the world
for the ones who lack the deeper understanding of the matter of words
even when einstein tore his paper to make it undone
he was more right in doing so
most people HUMANS lack the understanding needed to survive
this is only a sub reality of energy transfers
this is not real