sooner or later

it is better to have natural disasters than to have war
and it is only natural that these things happen
ofcourse it is sad and not so pleasant
but then again
we are but a part of this bigger whole
this enormous living thing called earth
which is a part of an even bigger living thing called universe
everything will come to an end
it is just sad to be a witness
feel the helplesness
and desperation
but when you realize
you are but a blink or a fraction of an blink of an eye to the world
and a glitch or just a fragment of a miniscule part of time in the universe
then what does it matter ?
and if it does matter
what the fuck are you people whinning about every day with your sorry ass lifes that realy don't mean anything in this bigger whole ?
just follow the rules and regulations and be happy you were not there
that it did not happen here
who cares if you cheated or you cut yourself
who cares you contemplate suicide
who cares if it is your periode and you were out of ST's
thousands of lives just washed away
why bother with your small incoherent lives

but i do care
because you are a part of something bigger
and that is a part of an even greater thing
still you are
a part of it all
and deserve some attention
yet you should
take some more care
of yourself and that around you
as it is a part of you
where it is also a part of something bigger than you
i care for the small things
the little things
the medium things
the big things
the bigger things
and the larger things
and with in all these growing things
i see humanity
shrinking in selfpitty