this world these daily struggles
i am sick of fighting the world in my head
just want the world to stop
or just to free their insecure dumb shallow minds
break them open and show the time and space they know nothing of
hoping it will make them listen and understand
but i should rather suffer this isolation and lonelyness
the incapability to find love and settle down
because they want to make their own mistakes
well go ahead
ruin it all
i am done here
i can not do any good to you to me to any one
you would not understand anything
even if it was in bitesize pieces
because some things can never be bitesized
i hate the world and its shallow culture
i hate myself
go and fuck around and ruin it all
GO and never even try to remember me
forget all about me
because it is so easy
and so selfasured
i can't stand this