it was easy
yet painfull
the kill was simple
every time
just aim
and kill
there is nothing to it
once you know
but later
when the killing stops
and there is time to think
thoughts run wild
thoughts will run you over
killing out of anger and rage
one can say those are hidious things
killing without thought or emotions
that is often considered cruel and distaste full
once opinions don't matter
killing is but an action
like breathing
eating sleeping and drinking
going to the toillet can be harder
being drunk or kissing some one
those things are far more difficult
because then opinions seem to matter
opinions do matter when things can not be undone
yet in killing there is a sence of pointlessness
the opinion is but a memory
all that matters are the thoughts that come to run you over
run you down
thoughts and opinions are not the same
opinions can be changed
thoughts are like killers
they remain as they can not be undone
as they take away time and peace
thoughts have killed more people than anything else in the world
because most people think
they never killed in their lives
while they do nothing else in their lives
all they do is kill
once i was a killer
and a good one too
now i am deep in thoughts
that are killing me
all i do
is to keep my head above the waves crashing in
just not to make
another killer