some one can read all the books in the world and travel all the places known to men, but wisdom is something that hides within not outside
it is from within that you create the world you live in
not the outside , that will only confirm your thoughts
if one would fully understand the worst and the mildest and be in accord with them one can truely say enlightment has come
that does not mean one has to read any book to come across them
when stars fall there are others born
no one ever cries for worlds they did not know of
that might be the worst that can happen
some of us remember the worlds far gone and forgotten
some remember the worlds to come
but the world we live in we take for granted
some booksmart wizzkids might have answeres
but often do they lack the deeper understanding
because books often have interpertations
not feelings
a script kid can write a virus
a hacker can understand what he writes
and will never be caught
the sun has no remorse over the skins it burns
the moon has no regrets over the tides that were thrown too high
the earth does not repent for the quakes it shivers
mankind has to many restrictions and short comings because of regret and remorse
mankind is doomed to extinction
because they fail to realize the whole
all elder spirits laugh
and no one realizes we are being laughed at
but when i laugh along for this understanding
i get flamed
one can believe in the gods and heavens
but its rather empty when one does not live up to it (raziel was right

in all the songs i hear i can reflect my own life
does that make me the centre muze ?
or just plain egocentric ?
and is there a difference ?
one can look for answeres
but it is far more important to listen to the question
and act upon it
when thoughts are not present one knows more than before
when thoughts remain absent one is all knowing
when love is true and real
thoughts will not rise
this is the deepest love
once one understands the depth
one can realize the high they are at
lonely because so many fail to realize
when the top becomes the bottom
when a dream becomes real
was all before then a dream ?
hardship makes one strong
every one tries to avoid hardship
a broken heart is better than a lying heart
but will be lonely anyway
being on the right side does not mean you get praise
being on the wrong side with all others does not make it right
if there is such thing as wrong and right
how would one be able to define them ?
one can tell the truth
but when it hurts you know you have lied to your self
or has the self lied to you ?
should you hide from the hurt ?
or embrace it and become stronger ?
should one avoid pain
and become numb ?
once something is accepted
one can change it