Surfing Internet
hey ya guys...I'm in the Fratinni Restaurant now...eating my dinner alone while downloading some videos and music...I'm listening to Christina Perri A thousand Year...well it makes me relax while thinking my love now...but before i arrive at Fratinni Restaurant...actually i want to surf at CentrePoint Hotel...because my dad told me there is a table and a chair for you to surf internet...then i said ok...but when i arrive there...i walk to the stairs cause i was so excited...suddenly...i was surprised what my dad told was not i was like...looking around try to find where i can surf....i went down to escalator...ask the reception there any table for surfing the internet...the lady told me there wasn' i just sit at the sofa for awhile and keep thinking where should i go to surf my internet...then i remember...there is a restaurant name i came in and people inside greet me a warm welcome to me and straight to the point i ask the waiter is there a wireless here...he told me yes and i feel happy...

that's how i came in and start surfing my internet,i try to check my Facebook but i forgot my password...huhu...

ArwenRu, vrouw, 31 jaar
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