as the news broke
i shivered
trembled in my room
this could not have happend
this was just not true
but my bones my flesh and all in between
was filled with rage
untamable rage
i had to do something
i had to release my anger
as my fear transformed
in to the fury of the thousend warriors
that live inside
while my little sister was trying to calm me
while she was trying to make me go to sleep
i burned with frightning discomfort
that slowly but surely became
so familiar so warm like blood
as i could not dissapoint my sister
i obayed her wishes
i went to bed, trying to sleep
but once in bed
my fury grew only bigger and fiercer
like a million monsters and beasts
demons and devils
all in for the kill
and we set out
as my body lay still
we set out to find
our beloved prey
our most hated relative
the rapist
and we haunted the city streets in search
as we had our seek and destroy mission
just like the old days
just like the old days
and it was not long before we found
and unaware i snuck up to it
it had no idea of the blood lust
no idea it was to be released of life
and i pulled my blade
black as the night sky
with a silver line like the moon lit clouds
focused on only one thing
the back of its neck
oh how we loved to see it paralized and realizing the true pain
with one blow
its spinal cord was severed
just beneath the skull
and with one quick twist
a crack was loudly heared
but no one came to aid
it never knew what hit it
it never knew !
slowly it fell
like a skyscraper crumbling down
and the demons had a feast
while i went up to the next
no this city had to be covered in blood before i could find peace
before i could trust again
the next was even better
as it walked straight toward me
my blade still in my hand
and i could smell it
fowl and dirty
i swung my blade
nothing was clear but the reflection
a bright line of light
that stayed longer than one can blink an eye
and a fountain of blood rained
after its face was slashed in two
the jaw and one eye socket
halved by one swing
and as they fell
the rain sets in
blood red, and i just walked past it
no dirt on my hands or garment
not even on the blade
but miraculasly it stayed on its feet
and i had nothing more to do
than to launch an other attack
a firm backhand swing
severed its head
and seconds later landed
next to the lifeless body
and i could not leave it like that
with a stick i wrote on the pavement
RAPIST, got there before the blueguys got it
just my harsh thoughts
and we as we were regrouped
walked on, prauwling the streets
and saw an other one
with the last of my rage
i ran and from a low position i launched
my blade entering between the legs
and all the way through to the shoulder
i could not resist it, i had to
but i felt the pain then
and knew
this was the one i had to get !
once past it i turned
saw in awe
and returned with a fiecre thrust
and the blade went through the back ribs
crushing them with the force
straight though the heart
and i could finaly sleep
in peace