oh yeah bitch
this is gonna hurt so fucking much
and this is gonna make you cry
well be so kind to understand
i will hurt you with all the love i have for you
because i hate you as much as you are worth, and at this moment you don't mean shit to me
oh yeah
this is gonna hurt
and me as well
but what the fuck !!
you would not care
you would not even know
at least you say so
so lets begin shall we !
you are a fucking hypocrit
you are so full of shit
because you claim this and that
and i god fuckin'know so well
you are full of it
egotistic no not realy
but sure as hell that you are egocentric !
you claim to love
and then you don't
you claim to hate
and then you don't
you claim it's nothing
but then it is all the world to you
are you so fucking dumb ?
blinded by your own lies ??
i guess so
you loved one so you said
but then you did not
you hated some one so you said
next moment your all over it
and what triggered it ?
oh yeah now the sweet part !!
this stings in your precious eyes
love disapeared when IT came around
hate dissapeared when IT came around
love reapeared when it was around
oh how sweet this irony
oh how you hate it
and hated the other
and are going to hate me
oh how fucking nice
and the fucking best part is
you don't even love
all you do is hate
oh hell you can love
but i am sure that at this moment
because i think and truely know this
that you only love
yeah bitch deny that
you may
but i have seen the looks in your eyes
i have heard the sound of your voice
i know the filth you keep inside
and all because
i love you
well fuck you
i am pissed off
and hope that you are two
because all you do
is keep an eye to your hate
and react accordingly
disregarding the world
and your true self
that you hide so deep inside
oh and by the way
you were there for me weren't you
yeah i will be there
you were too busy with yourself
and that is what you said
so there is no way you can deny
your egocentric behaviour
it is okay to be busy with yourself
all fingers in a hole
but your hole is not your own
your hole is called