vampire me
as i hear
i feel
as i read
i feel
as i think
i feel
and all you can throw at me
i feel
i see
i experiance
and take it from you
that is the peace i give
as i vampire
on your feelings
i read the horrid stories
and i close my eyes
see what is written
see what happend
feel what is felt
feel what you feel
and i die inside
knowing it is not me
how i love
your feelings
for mine are empty and desolate
yours are rich and full of emotions
i could taste more and more
if not it would kill me
i want more
not for your sake
but for mine
maybe it will kill me
but i need to
suck your blood
your emotional blood
for it makes me feel alive
it gives me purpose
and gives me
a tear and a smile
for all the pain in the world
is worthwhile
it is priceless beauty
and beyond me
for i can not remember
the things that happend to me
i need to
suck your blood

monster, man, 47 jaar
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