what ever is
you can walk his way
you can walk her way
you can walk what ever way
but please do not follow
i walk my way
and i have seen the things not ment to be seen
things that should have stayed in the dark
i took into the light
the filthy trick of the heart
the dirty games of love
none of that has ever been real
just made up
excuses for human failure
don't walk in my shoes
don't go where i have been
it is not worth it
it's worse to be alive
worse than before
i can love
and i let it slip away
each and every time
just not to poison the love
with my deathly suffocating desires
i can sleep
holding my love in my arms
and even if there is nothing more that i want
i will slip away
fall away
and my love will feel
the cold skin
and slowly fear
checking my heart
and waiting
one minute passes
the second will too
and then
a single beat
when within the minute the second one comes
and so on
even when i am with all i need
i still need
to die to feel alive

monster, man, 47 jaar
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