what's the plan ?
the plan,
what is the plan ?
simple truth, the truth is the simplest plan.
i have no plan, i make it up as i go.
does it sound horrible ?
yes it does to me, but it is the truth,
once i had a plan, and to my worst fears it is playing out.
the plan back then was to prove the love,
but it backfired, love has faded.
so what is the plan.
they say i am insane,
maybe, but i thought of the plan, or just knew and thought it up while it was being played out.
but they know, like i know
so anyway, now i am not having a plan,
i'm riding the old one out, in regret ?
i don't know, hell i am just here, a guy behind a computer.
i'm riding this one out, the best way i can,
do i ?
once they understand my part,
be it true or not, i become.
once they understand,
i am
my tail got cut at birth
various souls have past my life
don't bash me,
demon or fallen
it does not matter
there is no plan, just the one playing out,
we'll see, and act acordingly, last minute actions
the truth is, there is no plan as of today.
ignorence fucked it up
my faith in humanity fucked it up.
i over estimated you,
so now we'll have to see what will happen.
monster, man, 47 jaar
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