where did i fuck up? :'(

so i have been datin the luv of my life or atleast i think he is for 3 days...but last nite i think i made a humongus mistake...i was hanging around with sky pie (my bfff) and his mom(kesha) and his gf(kimmberli)...we were serving community service for gettin caught under age drinkin a while bak when sky pies gf kimmberli asks how me and taylor are going...i say that were doing great then smile. She fakes a cheesy smile and says i figured from your weight problem that you guys would of broke up already. I turned astonished and said why wuld we break up we told eachother that we luvd eachother and mean it. She did the same cheesy smile that i wanted to slap clean off her face and said oh please thats like if i went up to skyler and said i luv u and he didnt say anythin bak. I culdnt help but say what the fuck is your problem bitch?! why do u want us to break up?! then she says cuz ur a fat ugly excuse for a human being and ur never happy enough all u do is drag him down so u dont feel lonly just to stab him again....he never learns.
i went after her yellin then kesha steppd in and thank god she did cuz i was going to kill kimmberli and then kesha said for kimm to shut the fuck up that she has no right to do that. After that she left me alone....got bak to sky pies house and started in with the booze...i ended up txtin taylor saying that i didnt deserve him...he started bein sweet like he usually is and said babe dont worry u deserve mevrolijk that was the last thing he said to me b4 i passd out and now he wont talk to me ...if u see sumthin i fucked up on pls tell me verdrietig because i have no entire clue what else i can appalogize for pls help i dont want to ever lose himverdrietig
22 jan 2012 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Profielfoto van zoe~zoe :)
zoe~zoe :), vrouw, 28 jaar
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