Ik weet het ook gejat van iemand maar wel interessant toch?
Komt ie:
Why are you not going for the person you want?omdat ik dom ben
Where is the last place you went?stage Lumio
Are you looking forward to something as of right now?
yep, morgen laatste stagedag en me 18e verjaardag.

When did you first kiss the last person you kissed?-weet ik niet meer-

What color eye shadow do you wear?geen
At the moment, are you more warm or cold?-warmie- v^.^v
Do you find piercings attractive?err, ligt eraan waar en hoeveel O.o
When was the last time you saw snow?een hele tijd gelee
Who are your favorite people to talk to when you’re down?mijn beste vrienden =D
Has anyone ever tried to shove their religion in your face?yup yup
Who was the last person you sat next to?err niemand –eenzaam-
What are you thinking about right now?food….
Do you smile often?
pretty much yep
Do you prefer an ocean or pool?watching the ocean, swimming in pools
When was the last time you cried?gister

How long is your hair?best lang, en ben er trots op =P
Last thing you ate?patat

Who told you they loved you last?err, -secret-
What color are your eyes?donker bruin
Who do you dislike currently?dislike dislike dislike.. niemand?
If you could have something right now, what would it be?err.. mijn rijbewijs en een auto hahaha
Do you miss something?ja, superveel =(
Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles?nee, niet echt
How many pillows are on your bed?2 o.O
What song are you currently listening to?radio 538 reclame ¬.¬
Have you ever passed out from drinking?nope, drink niet vaak alcohol/bier. Wat zeg ik? Bijna nooit =P
What time did you wake up this morning?6.55u
Do you have any cousins?yep veel, maar ken ze niet allemaal -.-‘
Can you imagine yourself living in a cardboard box?haha, ik kan er zelfs over dromen
Who was the last person you talked to?mijn college hier op werk
What else is new?nieuw nieuw nieuw… niets echt veel meer O.o
What is the WORST subject they teach at school?geschiedenis en aardrijkskunde (thank god dat ik DIE niet meer heb), mcv en management & organisatie, -hates-
Where do you plan on living when you grow up?in een huis?
What was your dream about this morning?-vergeten-
How many times have you seen your favourite movie?ik heb teveel favourite movies to even count it -.-‘
Where was the last place you traveled?mijn weg hiernaartoe
How was your past weekend?best rustig O.o
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?softijs met discodip of citroenbol

Ever liked someone that you didn't think you stood a chance with?te vaak..

Is someone on your mind right now?err misschien
Can you say the alphabet backwards?wel heel langzaam
Would you ever change for a boy/girl?nahh, kvind het zo wel goed
Are you ticklish?misschien =P

Was het dan weer =P