Today i am 23.
i'm feeling a bit
a bit
so many '
i don't want to be one of those people that get caught up in the whirlwind of the media..
they let every electron of the screen suck them in, warp them out and wash away their individuality.
creating walking drones of themselves. bits of nothingness. bits of debre.
floating around in a sea of luke warm ambition, and stone cold hearts.
minds infiltrated. diluted. pale like a rotting corpse.
we buy into this 'love' concept.
we're fucking torturing ourselves. people make money off of this shit. screw with your mind.
love love love love love...
i'm not talking about unconditional love, i'm talking about hormone raging romantic love...
the kind of love that fucks with your head and your heart.
you buy tickets for movies based on it, you buy your fucking valentines day cards..
its everywhere in the media. in magazine ads, billboards,newspapers,everywhere.
its a marketing concept used by business gurus to rake in the cash of the masses.
YOUR wallet.
today i seen an ad on t.v.
find your 'one true love' on the internet..
get your 40 dollar value love evalution for free.
it takes more than a fucking online internet-based evaluation to find 'real love',
but weak insecure lepers feed off of this..
a woman said she was scared of being alone, that she would never find her 'other half'.
why do we make ourselves believe that being 'alone' is such a terrible thing...
self love is non-existent in our tradition based society..
we rotate around repetition, toss out variety and anything that might make us feel uncomfortable.
we fear the unknown...
do like our parents did and get married. have kids. pay for their college.
kids get married. they have kids. repeating the cycle continually until you're dead.
so many divorces. so many arguments. so many battered women........ whats the point?!?!
there is no such thing as a soul mate. we need a quick fix to fill our void. so we grab the first living creature we 'fall in love' with..
let them settle in the void until they suck us dry.
creating more turmoil within ourselves than we had before we made the choice to be in a relationship.
you cant love anyone until you love yourself...
and thats the void. no one else can fill it but you. yes, a half and a half may make one...
but two wholes is beauty...thats LOVE.
complete yourself. dont expect anyone else to do it for you.