How y'all doing this evening....
Im writing this because i got so many on my mind right now....
First of all let me say that i know that us women are living in a world that is really into "Pretty"
we all want to feel pretty, look pretty, be seen as pretty....
it seems that if we are pretty then all is good in life.....
first let me say beauty is always in the eye of the beholder but it is also in your own eyes.....
Let me sign a reality check before i continue...
I KNOW the reason why i have so many "friends", friend requests and somewhat of a fanbase,
its because of how i LOOK ...
and i have a website based on my outside packaging ...
very few people are really interested in ME as a person,
and thats okay because i dont need the whole world to KNOW me,
but i also KNOW that if (GOD forbid) something were to happen to me
where i didnt look like this i know mostly everybody would disappear,
no numerous amounts of people admiring me, no more compliments, no more nothing....
the only people who would stick around would be the people who saw past the "beauty" and saw me for who i am...
If the person i am was only based on how i look then if that was taken away from me
i might as well commit suicide because what would be left of me.....
I can understand how constant flattery and compliments can be a great ego boost for anybody male or female,
but too many people let that go to their heads and that does make them worth only as much as their looks makes them,
which for the most part is nothing.....
I have learned a long time ago to accept me for who i am...
and it doesn't matter if "ONE" person thought i was the shit or if a million people thought it,
all that mattered was that i thought it....
not everybody thinks i'm "pretty"....
there are a lot of people who think i'm not,
a lot of people who think i'm fat,
or not thick enough or think i'm this or that...
but it really doesn't matter what they think.....
I live for myself, i think for myself, i do for myself, i love myself,
I don't care what anybody thinks about me or says about me....
all i expect from anybody who really takes the time to find out what type of person i am
is that they respect me regardless of what they think about me and i will do the same...
if you cant give me that much then you can go kick rocks....
I don't get off on the fact that so many men want to "sleep" with me....
because for the most part thats all they want to do anyways,
I'm not "flattered" by that at all....
if you cant even take the time to appreciate the type of person i am,
then your chances of appreciating my body are not that great.....
I love being in front of the camera, i love showing off, i'm comfortable with my body,
I'm comfortable with myself, it doesn't bother me that people have "seen" my body, .....
I would probably have a website up
even if it was for my own viewing pleasure and nobody else wanted to go to it,
cause i like "playing" the role.....
but ladies realize sexy and confidence is attitude....
and no u don't have to put it on display for the whole world to see, as long as u see it in yourself.....
you have to learn to love yourself first before you can ever expect anybody else too....
I wake up some days and look in the mirror and be like...
I look a hot frigging mess....
I got a big nose, big forehead, hell a big ass head, i look like a boy, i look fat....
YES i have those thoughts too...
but then i say to myself, this is YOU, this is what u working with,
so u better work it to the best of your ability",
so i look away from the mirror and then i look back and be like this is ME...
you gotta love it or leave it....
Now this is just the physical......
to know me on the mental level is 10x more mind blowing than seeing me on the outside....
and thats how it is for most people.....
get yourself right, feel good about who you are the positive energy definitely shows
and you can be a "MIND BLOWER" regardless of how u look.....
people are attracted to all different types of people....
SOMEBODY will see you for who you are....
its cool that a lot of people see me as "pretty"I do but I don't "NEED" for everybody to think that....
and i always put pretty in parenthesis because like i said real beauty comes from within,
sexy comes from within, and u define what pretty is to you.....
if u want to feel better about yourself....
go get a haircut, a make up makeover, go buy a new outfit, some sexy lingerie, pull out your zumba tape....
work with what u got ...I always say the phrase if you got it then flaunt it...
and i just don't mean your looks,
I mean any positive quality or characteristic you have about yourself bring it to light and use it......
I am more than "just a pretty face"...
I am a strong, stable, intelligent, independent, loving, caring, giving individual....
I enjoy eye candy as much as the next,
but i would really rather learn what a person is about rather than just try to be with them cause they look good to me....
always carry yourself with the up most respect, people will treat you how u "ALLOW" them to treat you,
and if you treat yourself like shit other people will too.....
ok i'm done