yes, you read it, i did some shopping,
and this time it was not because i was depressed or fearing or sad or bored.
though one might call it fear, my shopping was and has resulted in functionality.
like any other i like going out and buying things,
i like the new "wanna haves"
but in this i was wise, and some would say, overly wise.
others would just call it throwing away money on things you'll be unlikely to use.
so what did i do ?
i bought:
2 different first aid kits.
2 different yet equally functional flashlights
1 multitool in a gift package...
1 survival/emergancy tool
1 sharpening tool
4 simple food rations (equal to 8 days worth of food)
3 simple small musical instruments
this all has purpose and usage, as i know what i need it for.
after my shopping spree i went to the kooltuin.
sat down alone and read a book and wrote some stuff down.
this all with some cokes and smokes
enjoyed the relative "quiet" there and found peace of mind.
and want to thank the girl behind the bar for the free coke

i enjoyed it as well as i enjoyed the variaty of music,
after that i went home, walking,
had a phone confersation and helped out the best i could with some knowledge
(hopefully the caller memorizes it for later use)
came home and unpacked, repacked
then turned on the pc and internet,
this i used to read some more.
you should do some reading too.
also have open comlinks with a friend
watched a usefull and informing press conference
and some stories here.
now i am going to link you the press conference. hours of straight up info.
if you question these people, you'd be questioning your own reality, for in their capacity in daily live you'd trust them without hessitation !
i could link you some serious frightning shit, but i won't
because i think some here are to fragile or to numb to comprehend.
oh wait, that would be not sharing,
okay, i will show you some more might be far fetched, but then again, judging by how some live and react in life ..
don't tell me i did not warn you, nor do i say it is fact, but it is far from impossible