still awake n cadbury drink
Oh my gosh....
Why am i still awake??!!!:| Its already 12:39am night:| i try to sleep over and over again but i cannot...:|
What i‘m doing now is~ drinking Cadbury from my speacial one that bought it for me[thank you!!
] and it taste nice but have to put some a little sweet milk
Now i have to go toilet cause~haha
Private!no lah..i just pee only for a while cause i cannot stand it anymore~
Oh well now i‘m drinking again
i hate it when i don‘t feel sleepy at night but in the afternoon~
i always feel so sleepy and weak....:|
But now the stuff that i drink now,it started to make my eyes close slowly while i‘m texting now..*yawn* yeahh~
noww..i feel so sleepy..ok everyone good night
here comes my beauty sleep again..
ArwenRu, vrouw, 31 jaar
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